Hello everyone! While the saying is “no news is good news”, here at Nerdvana Games we are a bunch of tabletop nerds and can’t help but share our excitement of this upcoming release even when there isn’t much to update you on. The reality is, we’re sending this update because we didn’t want to go dark on you about your B&B TTRPG pre order – And just wanted to check-in to give you a quick heads up that everything is still on track according to our revised production schedule, and you can still expect the game to be in your hands this fall. We *just* got a peek of some of our mini-figs from manufacturing and wanted to share with you…

Z0mg – An army of Zer0s! So yep – Everything is fine and on-track with production! We really appreciate your patience while we work through the insanity of manufacturing a AAA quality board game during this global pandemic. It’s been a hell of a journey, but we really appreciate you being a loyal fan and sticking with us throughout it all. We’re beyond excited to get the game in your hands soon and we’ll be sure to keep in touch with regular updates as we get them from the manufacturer.
But while you wait, we have an exciting opportunity for you and your family/friends to consider as it relates to our latest new project! We are about to enter into mass playtesting for an unannounced new Nerdvana Games project and are looking for playtesters. We’ll be doing the playtesting either online (via Tabletop Simulator) or in-person (through print and play). While you can play the game at your leisure, we ask that you simply provide feedback after each playthrough. Playtesting starts now through September 9th, with weekly game updates. Additionally, we’ve got a Discord all setup for feedback, questions and general discussion directly between you and the dev team – As an added bonus, our most devoted playtesters will receive a special playtester copy of the final game when it releases. Interested? Please apply here! Thanks for reading, for your loyalty and for being a fan.
With warm regards – The Team @ nerdvana games