Hello everyone
As we’ve said before, developing and (perhaps more importantly) manufacturing a 10/10 quality tabletop game during a global pandemic has been ‘incredibly challenging’ to say the very least. The global manufacturing and shipping industries are still trying to catch up from the year of shut downs that the world experienced.
We’ll cut right to it: We have finished our part in creating and designing this amazing game, and it has been handed off to the manufacturer. Unfortunately they have informed us that there are still delays on certain components for your B&B game and we are now looking at a Q3 release date. While we understand, sympathize and share your frustration with this news, we stand by our decision to go with this particular manufacturer. The reality is, the quality of this game is unmatched.
…And as ya’ll know, quality takes time. What we can promise is that when the final version does reach your hands, you will not be disappointed. And ultimately, the timing of this release will end up being so perfect that we know the whole world will be talking about Borderlands – and you’ll be the lucky few that have the B&B TTRPG. Thanks again for your patience – We promise it’ll be worth it.
The Team @ nerdvana games